Home acne treatment

Using home treatments for mild cases of acne can easily be done if you follow a few guidelines. First off, though, it is important to keep in mind that for more severe cases like cystic acne, back acne a consultation with a dermatologist is advised before beginning an at home regimen. However, home acne treatment of mild to moderate acne can dramatically reduce the appearance of acne on your face, giving you clearer skin and more confidence in your appearance.

After you decide that you want to treat your acne at home, it is essential that you are patient for the first couple of weeks. Acne medications do not work in a matter of days, as they need to fight deep below the surface to balance your skin, but after a couple of weeks you should start to see results. The same rule holds for prescription medications, as noticeable results will occur after a couple weeks. One of the first steps to improving your complexion is washing your face thoroughly two to three times a day. Wash your hands with an anti bacterial soap and, using a mild bar soap or acne scrub, thoroughly wash your face for about thirty seconds. Make sure that your bar soap is fragrance and color free as these can clog your pores and irritate your skin, causing inflammation and increased redness of your face.

If washing your face is not enough, further measures can be taken for home acne treatment. One of the most common is the use of benzoyl peroxide, which can be found in face wash, bar soap, topical cream or gel. Benzoyl peroxide is typically used once or twice daily, but initially most people should only apply it once a day or every other day to avoid redness and excessive drying. Generally, results will be evident after a few weeks, but if you do not notice a difference by then you should consult your dermatologist for advice.

Another popular home acne treatment is salicylic acid. You can usually find this in medicated facial pads and also in some face washes. Salicylic acid prevents your hair follicles from shedding excess skin and clogging your pores, thereby fighting the cause of most acne and blackheads.

Whichever home remedy for acne you believe to be best for your acne, always keep in mind that the results are gradual and will be noticeable in a couple weeks. Follow the directions for your product and only use it the specified number of times per day. Also, combining homemade acne treatments at the same time may cause irritation and excessive dryness to your face, so benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid should only be used one at a time. If you do not notice results for your home acne treatment after several weeks, contact your doctor for further advice.

Back acne treatment

It is possible to find back acne treatment that can cure your back acne.
And the questions is which method to use , over the counter chemical acne treatment or a natural homemade acne treatments?

The causes of back acne are much the same as what causes acne on face. The difference is that because of sweating and the clothes that we are wearing, our back will sometimes get outbreaks more often than the face.

It is believed by dermatologists that one of the main causes of acne is a hormonal imbalance.
That said, there is a number of irritants that cause you to break more often and more severely than normal. One of them is warm weather.
Many people suffer from back acne is because most of the day the back spends covered with clothing and very often it becomes overheated and irritated.Because of sweating pores become clogged and with your clothing rubbing all day long and irritating the skin it becomes inflamed and your back become covered with acne.

When we speak about acne treatments that work there are several things you can do that can make a big difference to the number of outbreaks that u have, reducing them significantly.
Wear natural materials that breath also allowing the air to reach your skin. These days too many fabrics are synthetic and do not breathe.

During the warmer weather back acne tends to increase and than you are more likely to sweat.
So it's not recommended to run around with your shirt off, instead wear clothes that allows plenty of movement.

Back acne for the sufferer can be very troubling and annoying, so with a little bit of trial and error you can rid yourself of back acne for ever and find back acne treatment that works for you.
Give it a try.

Acne treatments that work

Acne (or medically Acne vulgaris) is a skin disease that is most common among adolescents. And although it is classified as a disease, in it's most common form, it is nothing to worry about medically, just esthetically. It's characteristics are areas of skin that are seborrheic, in form of red skin that is scaled, comedones that are whiteheads and blackheads, possible scarring, pimples or pustules, papules or pinheads, and nodules.

Now here are the good news, acne treatments that work can cure acne free and very efficient since most of the forms of acne are easily treated, and acne are curable. Severe acne are a different story, and that type of acne are not that easily curable.
Acne in adolescents is something that can be overwhelming. It's good to know that the change in skin texture and coloring is cause by the inflammation of the glands in the skin.

But acne is treatable! Most common acne treatment that works is the topical cream. You apply the acne cream to the infected area, which reduces the greasiness of the skin by reducing the amount of oil in the skin. This is only one of the most common acne treatments that have been invented so far.

One of another medication that works is an oral pill for acne. This type of treatment is for sever cases.

Among many solutions for this problem, Isotretinoin is one of the products widely available in the stores. Vitamin A is the main ingredient in this product. It reduces the sebum production in the body, and this helps to decrease the bacteria on the skin. As in any other commercial drug there are always side effects. Ten percent of the patients that consume Isotretinoin will experience some of it's side effects. They range from inflammation of the skin to inflammation of the lips. It's interesting how a cure for some medical condition very often has the same possible side effects, as the reason why you're taking it in the first place. Fortunately, most of the side effects for this drug are mild, like for instance, dry lips can be easily cured by using a lip balm, and skin can be moisturized by a skin moisturizer.

Isotretinoin is the most common and most easily applicable treatment for acne. You should stick with the instructions given with this treatment and take all the precautions advised by your doctor. Also, if you are a expecting mother, you should avoid using it.

The acne treatments that work is also laser. It is quite popular among acne sufferers. There are traditional laser techniques, but also, infrared laser is very popular these days, 83% is a very good success rate, tied to this method. This method of treating acne is most popular in developed countries.You mostly need only three treatments when curing acne with laser, but you should notice first signs of healing acne even after the first treatment. The acne will start disappearing.
Curing acne with laser also has side effects. When you treat acne with infrared laser, patient may get swelling, or passing pain or redness on the areas that were treated. If you have darker skin you might get hyper pigmentation.
This is when your skin darkens more on some areas. It is nothing serious but might look funny, and probably will pass.

So to conclude: if you have a sever case of acne, use one of acne treatments that works and cure your acne as soon as possible. Sever acne requires urgent treatment with best available medication or a procedure. This will save the patient from getting scars and picks on skin. On a good side: if you follow directions and take action soon, your skin will be acne free after using acne treatments that work, and you will, again have soft and smooth skin leaving no spots or acne scars on it.

What causes pimples

What causes pimples?
Many people who are in search for acne treatments that work also would like to find out what causes pimples in the first place. The short answer to that question is that the pores on your skin, actually only some of them, get blocked.
They get shut by the cells that are dead and no longer in function. Once they are blocked they become inflamed and start growing and become red.

People used to think that bad hygiene causes pimples. And although it may appear so still to some, quite opposite is true. If you wash your sensitive parts of the skin too often it may irritate it, and that might become what causes pimples for you. Basically what you do is, you're expanding the infection when you touch a  pimple or an area of affected skin, and you're carrying over to the other area that is not affected, or carrying it to the another area that is, but now it only gets even more bacteria. Problem is, itching and burning skin is sometimes hard not to touch, cause you get and urge to scratch it or just touch it for some weird reflex reason.

Dead skin cells most usually clog the pore. When the pore gets lined with the dead cells it's what causes pimples. The dead cells are falling off, they do this all this time throughout the day, and they should go to the surface. Glands that produce sebum are within the pores. This is also where glands that produce sweat, and follicles out of which the hair grows are. When they get swollen they plug the pore as well. This is what causes pimples.

During the puberty skin will become thicker. More cells are produced, more cells die and it's easier that the pores get plugged and that this is what will cause you to have pimples. When a pore is blocked, sebum cannot travel normally, and it gets mixed with natural bacteria that is there in the skin by default. A more or lesser infection occurs and you get acne.
Most often, pimples are cause by the condition called acne. Most often acne (acne vulgaris) occurs in puberty. Most of the teens experience acne. It is only the question of how severe they are.
More sever type of acne, called cystic acne the could be bolis or cysts. They are caused by the sweat that gets inside the hair follicles. So, this is basically what causes pimples and back acne.

It's also good to know what can cause or contribute to development of the acne itself.
Primarily acne are cause by the hormones that "rage" during the puberty. Sebaceous glands become larger than the usual, and more sebum is produced. What also grows in size are the hair follicles.
You get stress from acne if you don't feel good about yourself. But the funny thing is, acne is in a degree, increased by the stress.
It has been proven that the diet can also benefit or be bad for your skin and can cause acne. It depends what you eat, and how much care you take about eating healthy. Don't eat refined foods, and don't eat too much simple carbohydrates like white rice, white bread, sugar... This messes your insulin during the day. This, in return, causes the grow factor hormone to be released (IGF-1), and you get inflammation of the glands we discussed earlier. You get sebum production grow, and the skin cells are overproduced. This is what, again, in the end causes pimples.

You should take enough vitamin E and A. Some scientist also say that diary products can also cause pimples, and that this is because they have the growth hormone inside them as a nus product of the milk production.

This leads us to the conclusion that more than just one factor is what causes pimples, and if you want to get rid of them with any home remedy for acne or any acne medicament you need to take care of your health primarily.
Hope we have answered to most of the questions on what causes pimples.  

Home remedy for acne

Having acne issues can be a real problems, and make you confidence fall lower than it would be with a clear  face, and with smooth skin. There are home remedy that can help you cure acne fast. It often happens that just when you need to shine at your best those pesky acne appear and make you feel like they have a mind of their own. Actually, it's the bacteria that can't think, and doesn't work against you, but still often is a nasty coincidence, and you will be searching for a quick and at least temporary cure for acne in a form of a home remedy for acne.
In this article we will discuss a remedy made out of sandalwood, and aloe vera juice.

The sandalwood comes in a form of powder and oil, and you can make a nice home remedy that will last even longer than just temporarily.
This acne medicament is natural and will clean your skin and reduce the amount of oil in your glands. The effect of this natural acne cure is cleaning the pores in which your bodily oil is in too high levels and which erupt and cause infections and inflammatory processes that cause those nasty pimples we like to call acne. Actually we don't like to call them. We wish clear skin and to never mention their name again.

This is how we do it!
Take goat milk and sandalwood powder and mix them together until you get a paste-like mass. Put this paste on your face, and wash it with mildly warm water once it becomes dry. Sometimes your face might keep a little yellowish coloring after using this paste, but after five days your face will be grateful and you should have a clearer or a clean face, depending on the level of your acne.

Aloe vera is a natural home remedy for many, many problems and illnesses. This plant is so versatile that I remember taking it before and cold, as the first symptoms raised, in a form of a spray, and having the luxury of not getting the cold at all most of the time, or putting it on my skin to ease the psoriasis. My friends grandmother swore by it's defectiveness when he used it in form of a gel to eliminate his hemorrhoid problems. He said nothing helps him as aloe vera.

Now time has come to give another credit to this plant, and this time for home remedy for acne from aloe vera. Go to the drug store, or a healthy food store and buy some Aloe Vera juice. The juice should be pure (100% Aloe Vera juice). Drink 1/2 of a cup two times a day. You will get other benefits that come in a package with consuming this plant. Look them up somewhere if your interested to know, but in short, it's a cure or help for many things and it boosts your immune system and works beneficially on general health.

From the bottom of our heart we wish you clear skin and healthy looks. Thank you for reading home remedy for acne.

Homemade acne treatments

Like in any other illness, you have two major routes to go: conventional medicine and homemade, traditional medicine.
Both have pros and cons. Conventional medicine may be considered stronger, faster acting, and more secure when it comes to results, but it also has more side effects. In traditional, homemade medicine, you can always find benefits, and often get acne cure, but you might have weaker effects or it might not be as fast acting as the synthetic, commercial treatments.

Dating back in past, as far as human race goes, people made remedies for all sorts of conditions from nature and it's resources. Today, people still invent acne treatments by sometimes following the homemade acne remedies and place it on the market as a commercial one.
There are really many homemade acne treatments that work, and we will cover only few in this post. The good thing about acne homemade remedies is that you can easily make them and use them, all in the comfort of your own home. They are also cheap and less harmful than the standard conventional procedures, methods and medications.

You can use toothpaste as a homemade acne treatment.
Toothpaste as acne remedies will help in reducing the swelling. This might sound strange, but toothpaste is one of the most available homemade remedies for acne. The swelling will reduce and the pimples will get smaller in return. You just put a pea size amount of toothpaste and put it overnight on pimples. Use warm water in the morning to wash it off. Viola, the pimples should be smaller and the skin should look nicer regarding the acne swelling.

Rose water and lemon juice.
Both lemon juice and rose water are beneficial to health. Take lemon juice and rose water and form a paste by combining them together in one to one ratio. Cover the pimples with this paste and leave it there for an hour.
Again, wash it off with warm water. This is in general good for your skin, it keeps it healthy, but will also cure acne.

Lemon juice with turmeric powder.
You can also use turmeric powder with lemon juice. Again, make a paste mixture and put it on affected skin for an hour. Then wash it with warm water.

Vinegar and salt.
Use vinegar and salt as a homemade remedies for acne. Mix those two together in one to one ratio and put in on skin for twenty minutes. Later wash it with water.

Use freshly pealed cucumber to moisturize your skin. Woman use cucumber as a hydrating mask. You can use it for curing or helping with your acne problems. Apply cucumber on your face for half an hour. Your skin will be revitalized and hydrated and will feel fresher.

If you have a serious case of acne do make sure to ask your doctor before you decide upon the acne treatment.

Homemade acne treatments that work such as cucumber won't harm you, but perhaps won't cure a severer types of acne problems.

There are many other homemade acne remedies, and we have only covered few in this post, those that we believe are most relevant and most popular. Thank you for reading this post on homemade acne treatments!